{% if request_type == 'location' and meta_properties.location is not defined %}{% else %}{% endif %}{% if prerender or indexer %}{{ meta_properties.title }}{% if request_type != 'language' %}{% endif %}{% else %} {# this raw tag is for jinja flask templating collisions with angular regarding {{}} #} {% raw %}PlugShare - Find Electric Vehicle Charging Locations Near You{% endraw %} {% endif %}{% if request_type == 'language' or meta_properties.url == 'https://www.plugshare.com/' %}{% endif %}
{% if (prerender or indexer) and meta_properties.location %}
{% if meta_properties.location.under_repair %}
Under Repair
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.access == 2 %}
{% endif %}
{% if meta_properties.location.score %}
{{ meta_properties.location.score }}
{% endif %}

{{ meta_properties.location.name }}

Check In
Add Photo
{% if meta_properties.location.address %}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.latitude and meta_properties.location.longitude %}
{{ meta_properties.location.latitude }}, {{ meta_properties.location.longitude }}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.formatted_phone_number %}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.cost_description %}
{{ meta_properties.location.cost_description }}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.parking_type_name %}
Parking: {{ meta_properties.location.parking_type_name }}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.amenities|length %}
{% for amenity in meta_properties.location.amenities %} {% if amenity.type == 1 %} {% set amenity_name = 'Lodging' %} {% elif amenity.type == 2 %} {% set amenity_name = 'Dining' %} {% elif amenity.type == 3 %} {% set amenity_name = 'Restroom' %} {% elif amenity.type == 4 %} {% set amenity_name = 'EV Parking' %} {% elif amenity.type == 5 %} {% set amenity_name = 'Valet' %} {% elif amenity.type == 6 %} {% set amenity_name = 'Park' %} {% elif amenity.type == 7 %} {% set amenity_name = 'WiFi' %} {% elif amenity.type == 8 %} {% set amenity_name = 'Shopping' %} {% elif amenity.type == 9 %} {% set amenity_name = 'Grocery' %} {% endif %} {{ amenity_name }}{{ "," if not loop.last }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.promos|length %}
{% for promo in meta_properties.location.promos %} {{ promo.name }}{{ "," if not loop.last }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.open247 or meta_properties.location.hours %}
{% if meta_properties.location.open247 %} Open 24/7 {% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.open247 and meta_properties.location.hours %} - {% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.hours %} {{ meta_properties.location.hours }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.description %}
{{ meta_properties.location.description }}
{% endif %}
Stations ({{ meta_properties.location.stations|length }})
{% for station in meta_properties.location.stations %}
{% for outlet in station.outlets %} {% if outlet.connector == 1 %} {% set outlet_name = '120v Wall Outlet' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 2 %} {% set outlet_name = 'EV Plug (J1772)' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 3 %} {% set outlet_name = 'CHADEMO QuickCharger' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 4 %} {% set outlet_name = 'Tesla Roadster Charger' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 5 %} {% set outlet_name = 'NEMA 14 Outlet' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 6 %} {% if outlet.power == 1 %} {% set outlet_name = 'Tesla Supercharger' %} {% else %} {% set outlet_name = 'Tesla Model S Charger' %} {% endif %} {% elif outlet.connector == 7 %} {% set outlet_name = 'Type 2' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 9 %} {% set outlet_name = 'UK Wall Outlet' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 12 %} {% set outlet_name = 'AS3112' %} {% elif outlet.connector == 13 %} {% set outlet_name = 'CCS COMBO' %} {% else %} {% set outlet_name = 'Unknown' %} {% endif %} {{ outlet_name }}{{ "," if not loop.last }} {% endfor %}
{% if station.network %}
{{ station.network.name }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if meta_properties.location.reviews|length %}
Checkins ({{ meta_properties.location.reviews|length }})
{% for checkin in meta_properties.location.reviews %}
{{ checkin.created_at }}
{% if checkin.user and checkin.user.display_name %} {{ checkin.user.display_name }} {% else %} PlugSharer {% endif %}
{% if checkin.rating == 1 %} Successful Charge {% elif checkin.rating == 0 %} User Comment {% elif checkin.rating == -1 %} Failed to Charge {% if checkin.problem_description %} - {{ checkin.problem_description }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ checkin.comment }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if meta_properties.location.photos|length %}
Photos ({{ meta_properties.location.photos|length }})
{% for photo in meta_properties.location.photos %}
{% endfor %}
add_circle_outlineAdd Photo
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if (prerender or indexer) and meta_properties.map %}

{{ meta_properties.map.name }} Custom View

{% if meta_properties.map.description %}

{{ meta_properties.map.description }}

{% endif %}
Plugs - {{ meta_properties.map.filters.plugs|length }}
{% for plug in meta_properties.map.filters.plugs %} {{ plug.name }} {% endfor %}
Networks - {{ meta_properties.map.filters.networks|length + (1 if meta_properties.map.filters.other_networks else 0) }}
{% for network in meta_properties.map.filters.networks %} {{ network.name }} {% endfor %} {% if meta_properties.map.filters.other_networks %} Others {% endif %}
{% if ("filter_cost" in meta_properties.map.filters.misc) %} Payment Required {% endif %} {% if ("filter_restricted" in meta_properties.map.filters.misc) %} Restricted {% endif %} {% if ("filter_residential" in meta_properties.map.filters.misc) %} Residential {% endif %} {% if ("filter_availability" in meta_properties.map.filters.misc) %} Currently In-Use {% endif %} {% if ("filter_soon" in meta_properties.map.filters.misc) %} Coming Soon {% endif %}
{% if ("filter_pwps" in meta_properties.map.filters.misc) %} Pay with PlugShare {% endif %}
{% if meta_properties.map.ui.plugscore and meta_properties.map.filters.plugscore %}
Minimum PlugScore - {{ meta_properties.map.filters.plugscore }} out of 10
{% endif %}
This is a temporary filtered view. When you exit this view, you will return to your normal filter settings.
{% endif %}